About me

I find digital technology as the ultimate way to express myself, to channel my creative part with potential to get an enormous audience.

As a CS student I’ve started building web sites but as more advanced technology with compact devices came around I’ve switched to mobile app development. Changing the whole ecosystem felt like a breeze as the drive to run my app on the first gen iPhone was overwhelming. Up until I made that switch from web to mobile at my day job I've published 3 utility apps and 2 games.

At Five, I was working on a various green and brownfield projects usually as one-man band and wearing hats from architect, developer, project manager to customer support.

Currently employed by the RealNetworks, and it's all about the media. For the past few years I'm working on the media SDK allowing users to generate video stories, create collages and edit their media.

My latest AppStore app, Beleep serves as a platform to keep up with new APIs and technologies but apart from juggling day job commitments and pet projects few years back another ball joined juggling group so I had to slow down my pace a bit.

My curious nature led me to continuously trying to improve myself and evolve. I also have great passion for food, cooking or eating.


let myEmail = "mijo" + "." + "kaliger" + "@gmail.com"